#展覽 #藝術 #歷史 #跨地域
策劃人 / 郭昭蘭
國立臺北藝術大學美術學系藝術史與視覺文化組 副教授
第一場 11:00-12:30 , 美術系F201
講者:Ronald Kolb
第二場 13:30-15:00 , 美術系F215
第三場 15:00-16:30 ,美術系F215
第四場 16:40-18:10 , 美術系F215
Ronald Kolb
Ronald Kolb (b. 1978)是研究者,講師,策展人,設計家也是電影攝製者。他主要在德國斯圖加特與瑞士蘇黎世兩地定居。他擁有蘇黎世藝術大與雷丁大學合作的策展實踐博士學程的博士學位。他的博士論文「策展即治理實踐:治理星叢中跨地域條件下的後展覽實踐」透過「治理性」的透鏡,探討當代藝術策展實踐在全球與特定處境脈絡中,再現的力量與參與式操作中兩者的力動學,進而批判性地檢視當代藝術策展實踐。Ronald Kolb的實踐主要特質是展覽的編排與講授作為對特定處境知識脈絡的一種練習。這亦可見於他協同組織的國際研討會與工作坊,例如2018年斯圖加特梅爾茲設計學院的「為生活而學習」藝術節與工作坊。2021年瑞士Migros Museum與香港大館合作的數位事件「處境知識—移動中的藝術與策展」,2022年第15屆文件展的「共同化策展意識與藝術教育」夏日學校、2023年與提森.博內米薩當代藝術基金會TBA21合作的「共同化集體照料」。
大坂紘一郎(生於1979年),獨立策展人與作家。2015年成立ASAKUSA,一個40平方公尺的當代藝術空間,致力推動策展合作與策展實踐。大坂紘一郎帶領獨立後學院0-eA策展研究學會,致力抗拒舊習的創意實踐,促進跨領域的對話、出版刊物與提供駐地計畫。大坂紘一郎是京都藝術大學策展研究的副教授,同時也是京都當代藝術學院(ICA)的計畫主任。他最近策展的展覽包括2019年在紐約e-flux的「新自由機器中的帝國幽靈(想像CIA)」、香港Parasite駐村期間發表的「詛咒真言:如何殺掉工廠的物主」,以及2020年在ASAKUSA展出的「竹林中日本赤軍」展覽,是法國藝術家Eric Baudelaire與孟加拉裔藝術家Naeem Mohaiemen的雙人展。
#Exhibition #Art #History #Translocality
Relational Art Histories: Exhibition Making and Art in the War
Organizer : Jau-Lan Guo, Associate Professor of Department of Fine Art, Taipei National University of the Arts.
Time: October 23rd, 2024
Place: F301 and F215, Department of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of the Art. No.1 Hsueh-Yuan Rd., Peitou District, Taipei
It has been 80 years since the end of World War II and there has recently been more research on the making of exhibitions and art in the war years, which offers new perspectives on the past and of artistic activity during those years.
On October 23rd a lecture series ‘Relational Art Histories: Exhibition Making and Art in the War’ is held as part of the programme of Art History and Visual Culture of the Department of Fine Arts at TNUA. The series features ‘Curating as Governmental Practice’, ‘Turning Outside In: Abstraction As Secrecy’, ‘The Colour of the Current Situation’ during World War II in Taiwan , and ‘Degenerate Art on the Move’ – in which four independent researchers are invited to deliver and expand on their research. The contributions are translated into Chinese or English, as applicable.
Ronald Kolb
Curating as Governmental Practices
Post-Exhibitionary Practices under Translocal Conditions in Governmental Constellations
Time: 11:00-12:30
Place: F201, Department of Fine Arts, TNUA
In this lecture, I will build upon the methodological proposals from my dissertation tounderstand and analyze exhibitionary practices as governmental activities. I will give
an overview into the contemporary curatorial discourse that has evolved since the advent of new museology and its various “turns”, examining the global (translocal)
entanglements in the exhibitionary complex. The lecture will highlight the role of knowledge production and research practices within exhibitionary formats and discuss its various modes of operation. By engaging with Michel Foucault’s concept of governmentality and Donna Haraway’s idea of situated knowledges, my research advocates for a shift from“conventional”, universalized knowledge production to more nuanced, situated, and networked forms, along with their associated governmental infrastructures.I introduce the concept of the “post-exhibitionary,” viewing exhibitions as active,transversal, and translocal social spaces—contact zones—that extend beyond the confines of the aesthetic “autonomous” art field.This theoretical framework will be illustrated with specific examples from documenta fifteen, my own practice, and projects from other practitioners.The lecture is based on my recently published dissertation, which is accessbile here:https://www.on-curating.org/……/curating-as……
Koichiro Osaka
Turning Outside In: Abstraction As Secrecy
Time: 13:30-15:00
Place: F215, Department of Fine Arts, TNUA
The talk investigates the Cold War’s impact on the (re)formation of visual art history in early 1950s Japan, emphasizing the ideological tensions that shaped artistic practices and narratives. From American abstraction to Japanese ‘avant-garde’ calligraphy, it examines the programs of international exhibitions at MoMAT under the directorship of cultural bureaucrat Nagakage Okabe (1884–1970), including the Japan-US Abstract Art Exhibition (1955), as well as Japan’s participation in the São Paulo Biennales (1951-) and the Venice Biennale (1952-), organized by the Japan Foundation. Many of these exhibitions were spatially designed by architects such as Kenzo Tange, a leading figure in Metabolism. How did ideological intentions and diplomacy influence the coordination of these artistic and intellectual exchanges? Who were the figures that served curatorial roles in these negotiations? By combining both political and curatorial historiography, the lecture aims to highlight the ideological precarity and anxieties of the 1950s—conditions that influenced the wider repercussions of the Cultural Cold War in the following decades.
Keywords: Cultural Cold War, Abstrac Art, avant-garde, global art, Bokujin-kai, Institutionalism (seido-ron), Jau-lan Guo, David Teh.
Chi-Hui Huang
The Colour of the Current Situation’ during World War II in Taiwan
Time: 15:00-16:30
Place: F215, Department of Fine Arts, TNUA
During World War II, the Taiwan Governor-General introduced works from Japan’s “Holy War Art Exhibition” to Taiwan in 1941. During this period, Japanese military painters who went to the front line to depict war conditions passed through Taiwan, which also indirectly promoted the development of art depicting war themes. The import of “Holy War Art” and the promotion of the Japanese authorities have encouraged Taiwan’s art circles to devote themselves to creation to show support and praise Japan’s “current situation” as it continues to fight this war. However, when we look back at the Taiwanese art scene during this period, including the paintings of Japanese and Taiwanese painters in Taiwan, although they were all shrouded in the shadow of the war situation, they were not affected by the excitement and allowed their art works to follow accordingly. Faced with the dilemma of “the color of the current situation” interfering with artistic creation, how did the Taiwanese painters we are familiar with, such as Lin Yushan, Li Shih-Chiao, etc., depict and navigate this tense and difficult current situation? This lecture will explain the experiences of Taiwanese painters during World War II and their works that resonated with society at large, the response from the art world, and the significance of their works through the changes of the times.
Hsin-Yeh Tsai
Degenerate Art on the Move
Time: 16:40-18:10
Place: F215, Department of Fine Arts, TNUA
The reception and the interpretation of modern art have been the attention of western art history. However, in order to explain the debates and reception of modern art during the two world wars and their aftermath, it is important to discuss more about the consequences of its extension and movement across geographic boundaries still. To extend this issue, the thesis examines “the degenerate art,” the suppressed-modern -art label created by the Nazi, and its related art reception history across the geographic boundaries.
The beginning of the thesis explains how “the degenerate art” was related to the biological “degeneration” concept in the 1930s Germany by the Nazi, which became the exhibiting and objects label of modern art. Even though the artistic and biological degenerate concepts are quite different, exhibitions related to the “the degenerate art” became into the occasions for the presentation of substandard art with large audiences. Then, the thesis traces the movement of “the degenerate art” in Munich, Berlin, Austria, Prague, Paris and London, revealing the unstable interpretation and representations of modern art labeled “the degenerate art” under different political conditions.Speaking of the reception and discourse of European Expressionism in the United States, the thesis examines the pre-war USA mentality toward European modern art under specific political and economic conditions, their concerns during the war, and the promotion and interpretation of “modern art(especially Expressionism) as the symbol of liberty,” mainly led by the Museum of Modern Art in New York. In this way, this thesis found how Expressionism and its interpretation manufactured the “Expressionism as the symbol of liberty” art theory in the ever-changing world after the World War II
